Principle of resolving difference of professional opinion
1.1 At all times the safeguarding partners will try to have in arrangements in place which outline how adults should be able to swiftly access support through any of the recognised safeguarding agencies and relevant partners. The purpose of this policy and procedure is to enable all professionals/ practitioners have the opportunity to exercise their judgement and to feel comfortable to exert professional challenge whilst providing the best possible service in a timely and safe way.
However, there are occasions when, partners must recognise the complexity of need and range of intervention/support will not always fit into a simple formula that leads to the ‘right solution’. Often there may be no right or wrong answer.
1.2 It is every professional’s responsibility to ‘problem solve’ within their sphere of expertise. Professionals need to feel comfortable to challenge peers and senior colleagues communication escalation to ensure resolving professional misunderstandings or disagreements can be resolved in a timely manner.
1.3 It is of vital importance that adults remain centre to the decision making and their voice is heard throughout, but they do not become entangled in professional disagreements and where such disputes do occur, they can be resolved with minimum delay.
1.4 The ultimate aim must be to resolve a difference of opinion at the earliest possible stage, as swiftly as possible, always keeping in mind that the priority must be keeping the adult safe. In the unlikely event of escalation process needs to be implemented, the role of the Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) and the Independent Chair is one of mediation; decision making responsibility remains with statutory agencies.
1.5 In reaching resolution, it is essential that at all times, disputes are approached in a considerate manner and one which both respects and seeks to understand the views and concerns of others from their experience and perspective when engaging with the adult.