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Tell us about your experience of adult safeguarding in Salford

The Salford Safeguarding Adult Board which is often referred to as the ‘SSAB’ wants to hear from you.

"Adult Safeguarding" is the process of working with an ‘adult at risk’ to protect them from abuse or neglect.  

We understand that you have recently been involved in a safeguarding enquiry due to concerns regarding your wellbeing or that of an adult at risk who you represent. We would like to hear about your experience and how you were supported so that we can learn and identify how we can make improvements to our safeguarding process.

Why is getting feedback from people with lived experience important?

Your views and feedback are important!

It can provide valuable insight on how we can learn and improve on many different aspects of the safeguarding process, it enables the workforce to learn and reflect on their practice and influences policy decision making to ensure the safeguarding process within Salford is accessible, effective, streamlined, person centred and more importantly protects individuals from experiencing future harm and abuse.

This feedback will not change the outcome of any safeguarding enquiry and we realise the reason you have gone through the safeguarding process may have been quite upsetting for you and therefore you may be worried talking about it. You will not be asked to explain about what happened to you, we just want to give you the opportunity to tell us what we are doing well and what we could do better.

Who will you speak to?

To ensure you are able to give feedback to someone independent, a member of the NHS Integrated Care (Salford Locality) Engagement Team will contact you. They will collect the feedback sensitively and you do not have to tell us anything you don’t want to.  The staff member from the engagement team will not know the reason for the safeguarding and will not have access to your personal records.

Also, what you tell them will be treated confidentially, and your feedback will be anonymised and only be shared with the relevant groups that sit under the structure of the SSAB.

You may not yet feel you want to talk about your experience, so you can complete a short questionnaire or contact us at a later date if you prefer.

Important things you should know

  1. You do not have to agree to take part. It’s OK if you say ‘No’.
  2. The person getting your feedback does not have access to your personal records and will not know about the safeguarding concerns so its up to you want you wish to talk about. We just want to know what was important to you, what went well and not so well and to understand how you found the process .
  3. Your name will not appear in the feedback. We would like to use your feedback for learning and to improve practice, but if you do not wish your feedback to be shared for this purpose that is also ok.
  4. The interview can take place at a time and place that is convenient to you.
  5. You will be requested to sign a consent form if you agree to take part.

It should take between 30 minutes and to an hour, depending on how much you want to tell us.

If you wish to provide feedback there are number of different ways you can do so including:

By email

Please contact the Salford Safeguarding Adult Board on and the support team for the SSAB will arrange for the Engagement Team to contact you.

Please ensure you leave all the relevant contact details in the email.

By Telephone

If you wish to provide feedback over the telephone please contact 0161 212 6176 and they will take you relevant contact details and forward them onto the Engagement Team so an appointment can be made for you to provide your feedback.

Online survey

An online questionnaire can be completed by visiting MS Forms via the link below:

Salford Safeguarding Experience Questionnaire

This will take approx. 8 minutes to complete.

Request a paper copy of the questionnaire

If you wish to have a paper copy of the questionnaire to complete, please contact or ring 0161 212 6176 and a copy can be sent out in the post, please advise us if you require large print or a copy in a different language.

Face to Face

Alternatively, if you prefer you can meet with one of the health and social care engagement team. This person is independent from the safeguarding process.

Via your Independent Advocate

If you have been supported through the safeguarding process, they will be able to support you to give feedback via one of the above methods.

Latest news

Details of all the latest news from Salford Safeguarding Adults Board.

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