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Guidance Questions for Practitioners


Question Answer
How do you get in and out of your property? Do you feel safe living there?  
Have you ever had an accident, slipped, tripped or fallen? How did it happen?  
Have you made your home safer to prevent accidents from happening / happening again?  
How do you move safely around your home (where the floor is uneven or covered, or there are exposed wires, dap, rot or other hazards)?  
Has a fire ever started by accident?  
How do you get hot water, lighting, heating in here? Do these services work properly? Have they ever been tested?  
Do you ever use candles or an open flame to heat and light here or cook with camping gas?  
How do you manage to keep yourself warm, especially in Winter?  
When did you last go out into your garden? Do you feel safe to go out there?  
Are you worried about other people getting into your garden to try and break in? Has this ever happened?  
Are you worried about mice, rats or foxes, or other pests? Do you leave food out for them? Have you ever seen mice or rats in your home? Have the eaten any of your food? Or got upstairs and be nesting anywhere?  
Can you prepare food, cook and wash up in your kitchen? Do you use your fridge? Can I have a look in it? How do you keep things cold in the hot weather?  
How do you keep yourself clean? Can I see your bathroom? Are you able to use your bathroom and use the toilet okay? Are you able to have a wash / bath / shower?  
Can you show me where you sleep and let me see your upstairs rooms? Are the stairs safe to walk up? (if there are any stairs)  
Are you able to change your bed sheets regularly? When did you last change them?  
What do you do with your dirty washing?  
How do you keep yourself warm at night? Have you got extra blankets / covers to put on your bed if you are cold?  
Are there any broken windows in your home? Are there any repairs that need to be done?  
Because of the number of possessions you have, do you find it difficult to use some rooms? If so, which ones?  
Do you struggle with discarding (or recycling, selling, giving away) ordinary things that other people would get rid of?  


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