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High Risk Advisory Panel

A High Risk Advisory Panel has been introduced to support professionals who are working with adults who have complex needs and are high risk of harm.

The Care Act 2014 recognises that self-neglect as a potential safeguarding matter and there are occasions where adults who have care and support needs, and have mental capacity will self-neglect and/or put themselves at risk of harm or even death.

The High Risk Advisory Panel aims to offer support for professionals by providing multi-agency risk enablement approach to offer advice and support in cases where single or multi-agency responses have been unable to reduce the level of risk, whilst empowering the adult and recognising their human rights.

The full High Risk Advisory Panel Policy and Terms of Reference can be found below, along with the checklist and referral form.

If you are concerned about an adult, but they don't meet the criteria for this panel based on the information on the checklist, then please consider making a safeguarding referral.

Latest news

Details of all the latest news from Salford Safeguarding Adults Board.

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