Proposed Agenda for Multi-agency Professionals Meeting
Multi Agency Professional Meetings should be held where risk have been identified for risk assessment (low or moderate) – it does not have to be Adult Social Care who leads on this, it can be the agency that knows the adult best. However, if there is high level risk and S42 has been initiated then this is when Adult Social Care/GMMH should manage the process as lead agency with statutory responsibility for safeguarding.
Agencies to be considered may include: Housing provider, Regulatory Services, Primary (GP) and secondary Health Services (Mental Health Services, Therapists etc), Adult Social Care, Children Services (Think Family), Health, Police, Fire Service, community/voluntary services and any other relevant service that may be involved with the adult.
Multi Agency Professionals Meeting
1. Welcome and introduction
- Apologies
- Roles of agencies/professionals/individuals represented
- Purpose of the meeting – sharing information, identified risks and how to manage those risks.
2. Details of the adult at risk of self-neglect
- Confirm whether adult at risk is aware of safeguarding alert/procedures in place to manage concerns of self-neglect
- Views (if known) of the adult at risk, and the outcomes that they are seeking.
- Agency involvement (in place/refused)
3. Confirmation of mental capacity
- Decision(s) and associated risks and consequences against which mental capacity has been assessed.
- How capacity assessment was carried out, when and by whom.
- If mental capacity has been assumed, how has this assumption been reached?
- Any identified concerns.
- Is a legal view required?
4. Assessment of risk indicators.
- Agree severity of risks identified.
5. Discussion regarding practical support and strategies to minimise the risks
6. Agree actions to manage risks and identify triggers for review
7. Discuss and agree who is best placed to talk to the adult at risk
- Empower them to make decisions and to take action
8. Agree strategy to monitor the risks
9. Review - agree timescales for review
Latest news
Details of all the latest news from Salford Safeguarding Adults Board.