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Key Principles of Risk Assessment

Principle How?
Ensure the person's involvement Encouragement, information, transparency, support and accessibility
Evidence, evidence, evidence Always make judgements about likely risk, impact and strategy based on evidence. Never make judgements based on assumptions, emotions or anxiety.
A positive approach to risk taking Actively encourage and support a person to take a risk when taking the risk is likely to achieve personal change, growth and promote individual well-being.
Promote resilience, choice and control Always have regard for the person's wishes, views and feelings. Support and encourage people to find their own solutions and strategies to risk.
Seek to manage risk, not eliminate it Risk is normal everyday experience, from which we all learn and grow. Unless the risk is abuse or neglect, seek to reduce the negative impact but do not always seek to eliminate it.
Least restrictive The best way to manage risk should always be the option that is least restrictive of the person's human rights, particularly their right to liberty and their right to family life.
Monitor and Review Risk is dynamic and constantly changing. Always review plans and monitor them when their likely effectiveness is unclear, change is likely, or if they are unstable.


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