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Persons in Position of Trust (PiPoT) & Whistleblowing

Reviewed process for allegations and concerns regarding Persons in Position of Trust (PiPoT)

The SSAB has been working closely with partners to review it’s process for dealing with allegations and concerns regarding People in Positions of Trust. The Care and Support Statutory Guidance formalised the expectations on local Safeguarding Adults Boards to establish and agree a framework and process for how allegations against people working with adults with care and support needs (i.e. those in a position of trust) should be notified and responded to.

This reviewed process will now be used with immediate effect. Please familiarise yourself with the reviewed process which can viewed below.

Persons in Position of Trust (PiPoT) Framework and Process (PDF)

Top Tips for Directors on dealing with allegations against people in a position of trust (PiPoT) (PDF)


Whistleblowing is the act of disclosing information about wrongdoing in the workplace. This could mean highlighting possible unlawful activities in the organisation, failures to comply with legal obligations, miscarriages of justice or reporting on risks to the health and safety of individuals or to the environment.

Such activities could be a violation of a law, rule or regulation, or a threat to public interest, such as fraud, health and safety violations or corruption.

By “blowing the whistle”, you may highlight illegal activity in the workplace, and you may protect others in future.

Many organisations across Salford will have their own whistleblowing policy / process in place and we would suggest that you consider following this in the first instance. Alternatively, the organisations below can provide advice regarding whistleblowing.

Citizen's Advice Service

Tel:03444 111 444

Textphone: 18001 03444 111 445

Citizen's Advice whistleblowing guidance


Tel:0800 0857 857

Unison whistleblowing guidance


GOV.UK whistleblowing guidance

Equality and Human Rights Commission

EHRC Whistleblowing Guidance

Latest news

Details of all the latest news from Salford Safeguarding Adults Board.

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