SAR Christopher 2023
A Mandatory SAR for 'Christopher' was published in October 2023 and written by external independent author Allison Sandiford. The published briefing was written by the Business Manager of the Salford Safeguarding Adults Board, Jane Bowmer.
Christopher was a gay man with long term health conditions (both of which are protected characteristics as codified by the Equality Act 2010), who passed away in hospital. Christopher was known to live with various challenges both physically and with his mental health. Christopher’s engagement with mental health services over the years was sporadic and he was often discharged from services due to poor attendance and ‘non-engagement’.
Christopher was in a long-term relationship and had disclosed incidents of domestic abuse. There were also concerns from professionals regarding controlling and coercive behaviour.
Review themes include:
- Domestic abuse / Carer abuse
- Mental Health
- Bariatric care
- Strength based assessment
- Making Safeguarding Personal
- Multi-Agency Approach
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