SAR Kannu 2021
A Mandatory SAR for 'Kannu' was published in September 2021 and written by independent author Professor Michael Preston-Shoot.
Kannu was an older lady with several medical conditions who received commissioned services at home, but often refused support from her carers, medication or food and drink. Kannu's physical health declined and she gave consent to move into a nursing home. Within a short period of time Kannu wanted to return home, but due to a number of different factors (including the Covid-19 pandemic), this wasn’t arranged. Concerns were raised regarding Kannu not accepting care and support in the Nursing Home which led to a decline in her mental and physical health. This resulted in Kannu going into hospital and she sadly passed away the following day.
Review themes include:
- Advocacy
- Cultural Needs
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Disability
- Mental Capacity
- Non-Concordance
- Self-Neglect
- Timely Multi-Agency Collaboration
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