Latest News March 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Firstly, we have some changes to update you on. Hilary joined the SSAB team as the Senior Business Support Officer back in January. She has been a great addition to our small team, and we are really pleased to have her on board. Welcome Hilary!
It would also be remiss of us to not mention a significant change in Adult Social Care. We would like to express our thanks to Maggie Kufeldt who has been the Interim Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Health Partnerships (which includes the statutory DASS or Director of Adult Social Services) since January 2023. Maggie has been a great source of support for the SSAB. We are really pleased to hear that she is not leaving
Salford just yet. She will be taking on the role of Interim Director of Housing Transformation to lead a new workstream on this hugely challenging area. We wish her all the very best in her new role. We are pleased to welcome Becky Wilkinson who has now joined Salford and replaces Maggie as the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health Partnerships. We look forward to getting to know Becky and working with her over the coming months.

Exploitation Week of Action 4-8 March
This week is Exploitation Week of action. A number of learning events have been taking place across Greater Manchester delivered by Programme Challenger and partners.
- County Lines - Signs and Indicators (for Parents and Professionals) Tickets, Thu 7 Mar 2024 at 12:00 | Eventbrite
- County Lines through the Lens of Mental Health Tickets, Thu 7 Mar 2024 at 13:00 | Eventbrite
- Working in a Neuro-Inclusive Way Tickets, Fri 8 Mar 2024 at 13:30 | Eventbrite
We are currently reviewing and updating our exploitation resources and will share these in due course.
Voice of the Practitioner Survey
Last year, we conducted our first ‘Voice of the Practitioner’ survey and we would like to thank everyone that responded. The survey, which closed in September 2023, had 114 responses.
The feedback was analysed and discussed by safeguarding representatives from across Salford agencies at SSAB subgroup meetings, and an outcome report was written and presented to the board in December.
The survey asked about practitioner’s views on a whole range of issues from training, policies and procedures, safeguarding challenges and good practice. A few headlines are detailed below:
- The majority of responses (36%) were from the social care sector.
- 80% of respondents were aware of their named safeguarding lead and 96% said they knew how to report a safeguarding concern.
- 96% had received safeguarding training from their organisation.
- Just over half (52%) had not attended a SAR Learning event; this was higher in healthcare (61% had not attended) and even higher for charity and voluntary sector organisations (71% had not attended)
- 98% said they knew how to access their organisation’s safeguarding policy and procedures and were confident in how to apply these.
Practitioner were also asked about their thoughts / suggestions on the four 2023-24 SSAB themes for quality assurance which included self-neglect, unpaid carers, domestic abuse and transitional safeguarding. We received a wealth of ideas and suggestions which we are currently reviewing along with our partners. We will provide more detailed feedback, in a ‘You said, we did’ document later in the year.
Learning Event – SAR Stanley
In October 2023, we held a learning event regarding SAR Stanley. Stanley was 82 when he passed away in hospital following a short respite stay in a nursing home. Stanley had a diagnosis of vascular dementia and dysphagia and was unable to communicate verbally. He had been cared for at home by his long-term partner and went into the nursing home whilst his partner recovered from a minor operation. Stanley’s health deteriorated, and despite his partner raising concerns about his care, Stanley was unable to return home.
This SAR highlighted learning around several themes which included, continuity of care, making safeguarding personal, nutrition and hydration, flexibility within the care market, voice of the carer, escalation pathways and the impact of Covid-19. The full report and briefing document are available on the SSAB website (link above).
If you wish to view the presentation slides and/or watch the recording of the learning event, you can request this via
Nutrition and Hydration Week – 11-17 March
As this was a learning theme identified in SAR Stanley, we wanted to make you aware that Nutrition and Hydration Week is approaching, and this is a great opportunity to raise awareness of this extremely important subject.
Age UK Salford have lots of useful resources on their website that can be used to raise awareness of this subject, engage in conversations with team members or adults who might be at risk. They also have useful tips and information about how to prevent dehydration and malnutrition.
Learning Event – SAR Christopher
In December 2023, we held a learning event regarding SAR Christopher. Christopher was a gay man with long-term health conditions. Christopher passed away in hospital after disclosing domestic abuse. The full report and briefing document are available on our website.
Allison Sandiford the lead reviewer and report author outlined what happened to Christopher and the learning identified in this review. Also in attendance were guest speakers from Adult Social Care, Mankind and Safe in Salford who provided updates regarding issues identified in this review.
If you wish to view the presentation slides and/or watch the recording of the learning event, you can request this via
Reminder - ‘Hidden Harms’ domestic abuse video
The ‘Hidden Harms’ video was originally developed by Norfolk SAB and has been adapted for use in Salford. It looks at the different types of domestic abuse and explains how it may present in older adults, however it can be used more widely. It can be used to educate professionals and can also be used with members of the public. Please watch it and consider how you can use this excellent resource.
New webpage – Trauma Responsive
We have added a new trauma responsive page to our website. Please let us know if you have any feedback, or if there is any information that you would like us to add. You can e-mail us at
Trauma Responsive Training
The Health and Wellbeing board have commissioned Meadows Psychology to deliver a series of Trauma Awareness Webinars. More information and how to book can be found on the Partners in Salford webpage.
Safeguarding Enquiries: do you need consent?
There often seems to be confusion, misconceptions about consent and where it fits in safeguarding. This article, recently published in Community Care and explores the legislation and explains the requirements around consent. We think it’s a really helpful article and would encourage you to read it.
World Social Work Day - 19th March 2024
This is a celebration that aims to highlight the achievements of social work and to raise the visibility of social services as well as defend social justice and human rights.
This year’s theme is ‘Buen Vivir: Shared Future for Transformative Change.
According to the IFSW, “It is rooted in the Global Agenda and emphasises the need for social workers to adopt innovative, community-led approaches that are grounded in indigenous wisdom and harmonious coexistence with nature.
[Information about national and local events has now been removed]
Neurodiversity Celebration Week – 18-24th March 2024
“Neurodiversity Celebration Week is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. It aims to transform how neurodivergent individuals are perceived and supported by providing schools, universities, and organisations with the opportunity to recognise the many talents and advantages of being neurodivergent while creating more inclusive and equitable cultures that celebrate differences and empower the individual.”
Neurodiversity is an umbrella term used to describe alternative thinking styles such as Dyslexia, DCD (Dyspraxia), Dyscalculia, Autism and ADHD. Approximately 15-20% of the population have a neurological difference. Neurodiversity and inclusion is about recognising and respecting those differences and embracing individual strengths.
There are lots of free online events taking place throughout the week. Please visit the Neurodiversity Celebration Week website for more information.
Neurodiversity – Bite Size Briefing Adults and Autism
Last September, we held a bite size briefing on Adults and Autism, which looked at what Autism is, how it affects people, and gave some tips for engaging with and supporting Autistic people. Please e-mail if you would like to watch the recording.
Neurodiverse Connection – Grooming and Coercive Control Summit 2023
Neurodiverse Connection is a neurodivergent-led Community Interest Company created to improve support and outcomes for neurodivergent people. In November 2023, they held a Grooming and Coercive Control Summit which included a series of free webinars and guest blogs. Recordings of these webinars are still available to watch on the Neurodiverse Connection website.
New – Online Safety Act 2023
The Online Safety Bill received Royal Assent on the 26th October 2023, becoming the Online Safety Act (OSA). The Online Safety Act puts laws in place to make the UK the safest place in the world to be online.
Key changes brought in by the Online Safety Act:
- A zero-tolerance approach to protecting children from online harm.
- Empowerment for adults to have more choice over what they view online.
- A responsibility for tech companies to prevent and rapidly remove illegal content and to stop children seeing material that his harmful to them.
- Ofcom have started work tackling illegal content and there is a potential that non-compliant tech companies could face hefty fines or even imprisonment.
For more information please see .GOV.UK website.
Save the date – 2nd May 2024 10am-12noon
We are currently planning a briefing session on online harms. More information to follow.
Gambling Harms – Chapter One
Did you know that gambling addiction is a clinically recognised psychiatric condition? There are a number of harms associated with gambling such as increased risk of anxiety and depression, physical health including prioritising gambling over other health and wellbeing needs, risk of debt, poverty, alcohol and/or substance misuse, issues at work, unemployment, homelessness and even suicide.
Chapter One is a partnership between Gambling with Lives and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, both of whom are committed to reducing the harms caused by gambling addiction. They aim to do this through:
- Better access to evidence-based treatment for everyone who needs it.
- Information and education for the public.
- Evidence-based information, training and tools for healthcare professionals and all professionals in contact with those affected by gambling.
There is information for people who are worried about their own gambling and for those who are worried about someone else’s gambling and want to support them. There is also a professional’s hub which contains lots more information.
New DHSC Guidance – Safeguarding adults protocol: pressure ulcer and raising a safeguarding concern
In January 2024, the Department for Health and Social Care published updated guidance on pressure ulcers and raising safeguarding concerns. The guidance aims to assist practitioners and managers across health and care organisations to provide caring, speedy and appropriate responses to individuals at risk of developing pressure ulcers.
Partner agencies are currently reviewing local processes and arrangements in light of this new guidance.
Review published into Operation Span and non-recent child sexual exploitation in Rochdale
This independent assurance review into historic child sexual exploitation in Rochdale was published by Greater Manchester Combined Authority on 15th January 2024. The review found compelling evidence of widespread organised sexual exploitation of children within Rochdale between 2004 and 2012, and failures by statutory agencies at the time to respond appropriately.
The report will be considered by the Joint Exploitation sub-group (SSAB/SSCP/CSP) to ensure any implications for Salford are identified and responded to.
Upcoming dates:
- 13-17 May 2024 – National Hoarding Awareness Week
- 17 May 2024 – International day against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia (IDAHOBIT)
- 10-16 June 2024 – Carers Week
- 15 June – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Links to other news
Partners in Salford Latest News
If you would like us to include anything in our next bulletin or have any feedback, please e-mail us:
Best wishes
The SSAB Team
Latest news
Details of all the latest news from Salford Safeguarding Adults Board.