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Latest News November 2023

The clocks have gone back, and the nights are drawing in and Autumn is well and truly here. It also means one thing – 20-24 November is Safeguarding Adults Week – more about this below.

The board met in September and received updates on a Care Act Checklist self-assessment that had been completed, Adult Social Care and CQC readiness, the Learning Disability Strategy and a mini audit completed in relation to exploitation.

Our annual practitioner survey has now closed, and we are grateful to everyone that took the time to complete it – we really value your feedback. We received over 100 responses which is great! The results have been collated and are currently being analysed. We are planning to use the results to provide assurance but also to look at how we can make changes / improvements. We look forward to updating later in the year on what we have done because of the feedback received.

We have also held learning events in relation to SAR Stanley. We have also published the SAR Christopher report, but unfortunately the SAR Christopher learning event suffered technical issues and had to be rearranged.

Please read on for more information and useful links.

SSAB Annual Report

The SSAB Annual report 2022-23 and one-page summary have now been published on the SSAB website. Please take a look and let us know what you think. You can e-mail us at with any feedback or questions.

Safeguarding Adults Week 20 – 24 November

National Safeguarding Adults Week, led by the Ann Craft Trust, is an opportunity for organisations to come together and raise awareness of important safeguarding issues.

This year, the week is focusing on how you can priorities the welfare and wellbeing of yourself and others. The themes for the week are:

  • Monday: What’s my role in safeguarding adults?
  • Tuesday: Let’s start talking – Taking the lead on safeguarding in your organisation
  • Wednesday: Who cares for the carers? Secondary and vicarious trauma
  • Thursday: Adopting a trauma informed approach to safeguarding adults
  • Friday: Listen, learn, lead – co-production with experts by experience

Please take the opportunity to think about your role, your team any training needs you or your team may have. Please also look out for our social media posts and share them using the hashtag: #SafeguardingAdultsWeek


*Please note this survey has now closed*

Do you work with carers or are you an adult who provides unpaid care for another adult with care and support needs who lives in Salford?

We are currently holding our first ever ‘Voice of the Carer’ survey and would love to hear from as many unpaid carers as possible, who can tell us about their experience of caring for someone. Looking after a friend or family member with health issues, disability, addiction or other difficulties can be a positive experience, but can also put a real strain on carers. We want to understand more about how being an unpaid carer affects you, hear what you think about the support available to you as a carer and see if there are any ways you feel that the wellbeing of carers like you can be improved.

Please fill in this short survey and tell us what you think. If you work with carers, please can you share this with them and encourage them to complete it?

Every piece of feedback will be read to help us to improve the help available to carers in Salford and in our mission to keep Salford adults safe – so please let your voice be heard.

The survey is online, mobile-friendly and completely anonymous. Your experience and knowledge is so valuable and it would be great to hear from you.

SAR Christopher

We have recently published a safeguarding adult review and briefing document in respect of ‘Christopher’. Christopher was a gay man who lived with his long-term partner. Christopher, who was originally from another European country, had a long-term health condition and had also experienced problems with his mental health. Prior to his death, Christopher disclosed domestic abuse to a health professional.

SAR Christopher Learning Event – 13th December 1.30-4pm

We are holding an event to share the learning for SAR Christopher. This event, which was due to take place on 2nd November, has now been rearrange.

Allison Sandiford the lead reviewer and report author will outline what happened to Christopher and the learning identified in this review. We will then hear from guest speakers from Adult Social Care, Mankind and Safe in Salford who will be providing updates / information about issues identified in this review.

If you would like to attend, please e-mail your name, role, organisation and manager’s details to

New ‘Hidden Harms’ domestic abuse video

The ‘Hidden Harms’ video was originally developed by Norfolk SAB and has been adapted for use in Salford. It looks at the different types of domestic abuse and explains how it may present in older adults, however it can be used more widely. It can be used to educate professionals and can also be used with members of the public. Please watch it and consider how you can use this excellent resource.

Domestic Abuse Toolkit

The Domestic Abuse Toolkit is a fantastic resource for practitioners working with children and adults contains lots of useful information, tools and resources. Please take look at the toolkit.

Please visit the SSCP website if you would like to attend training on the Domestic Abuse Toolkit and Practice Guidance.

Safe in Salford Domestic Abuse Service

Safe in Salford provide the domestic abuse service in Salford. The service is made up of Salford Foundation, Pankhurst Trust – Manchester Women’s Aid, Talk Listen Change (TLC) and Trafford Domestic Abuse Service which enables the service to offer a range of services and support. These include:

  • Crisis service (Independent Domestic Violence Advocates or IDVAs) for victims
  • Advice and support service for victims
  • Specialist support for GPs (known as IRIS)
  • Children and Young people’s support (Harbour)
  • Behaviour Change Programme’s for perpetrators

The Safe in Salford website contains useful information and resources for professionals.

DASH (Domestic Abuse Stalking and Harassment and Honour Based Violence) Risk Checklist

Did you know, the DASH is a multi-agency tool used for assessing the risk of someone who has experienced domestic abuse. It is an evidence-based tool.

The DASH is part of the Safe in Salford Adult Referral Form can be found on the professional's section on the Safe in Salford website.

Mankind Initiative – support for male victims of domestic abuse

The Mankind Initiative is a charity that supports male victims of domestic abuse. Their website contains lots of helpful information about research and statistics, help and support, spotting potential victims, survivor stories and training (although this is chargeable).

The Lotus Hub

The Lotus Hub is a coalition of five specialist organisations that provide services, support and advocacy for minoritised women experiencing intersecting forms of gender-based violence and oppression. The different services have pooled their collective expertise to put the needs of women first. Professionals can refer women into the Lotus Hub or seek advice via their helpline which is available to both women and professionals.

The helpline number is: 07894 443756 (Mon-Fri 10am-3pm) or you can contact them by e-mail:

Communication Difficulties

In response to learning from Safeguarding Adult Review Irene, we have added some information about communication difficulties to our website. We are really keen to ensure that adults who are experiencing communication difficulties receive the right support to enable them to make their wishes and feelings known.

Mental Capacity Act 2005 Resource and Practice Toolkit

Determining whether a person has mental capacity to make decisions for themselves can be a challenging area of practice.

Did you know, as part of our new safeguarding policy and procedures, you have access to a Mental Capacity Act 2005 Resource and Practice Toolkit. The toolkit contains information about the legislation, guidance on supporting people to make decisions and assessing capacity, making best interest decisions and the court of protection. There is also a resources section, which contains flowcharts, easy read documents, an action planning tool, a balance sheet for risks and benefits and more.

Bite Size Briefing on MCA / DOLS - Recording

We held a Bite Size Briefing session to remind people about the current legislation in relation to MCA / DOLS that remains in place, following the decision by the government to not implement LPS as planned. If you wish to watch the recording of this session, please e-mail us at

Reminder – 7 Minute Briefing on the Mental Capacity Act

We have a 7-minute briefing on the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Please take time to look at this and refresh yourself / share it with your teams.

Upcoming dates:

  • 16 November to 16 December – Disability History Month
  • 25 November to 10 December – 16 days of action against domestic abuse. This is an international campaign which starts with White Ribbon Day on 25 November and ends with Human Rights Day on 10 December.
  • 2 December – Fuel Poverty Awareness Day
  • 1 to 31 January – National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month (incorporates International Anti-Human Trafficking day on 11 January)

Links to other news


If you would like us to include anything in our next bulletin or have any feedback, please e-mail us:

The SSAB Team

Latest news

Details of all the latest news from Salford Safeguarding Adults Board.

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